
Having achieved success in their own business, many leaders want to broaden their impact. This influence might start from within the role in their organisation (e.g. by improving social value) or it might involve leading beyond the organisation - for example, through voluntary positions, NED or advisory roles. 


Through the Leaders' Network, we are bringing together opportunities for our members to embrace ideas, organisations and initiatives that might improve their knowledge or understanding of certain issues, right through to amplifying their voice. Some of these opportunities will come via the Chamber, and some from the wider North West community. 


Please do let us know if you would like us to consider adding your event or network for this list. 

Ampios Management Partners helps entrepreneurial businesses to grow in scale and, crucially, value. Whether it's formulating an exit strategy, or simply moving your business to the next level, Ampios can help. 

BURN - the Black United Representation Network (BURN) CIC is a membership organisation founded by nine Black VCSE and micro companies to challenge and tackle deep rooted inequalities in Greater Manchester. BURN's objective is to achieve parity and equality of opportunity for Black residents.  

Pride in Leadershipthe UK's LGBTQ+ business leaders' community. We work to ELEVATE, CONNECT and SUPPORT LGBTQ+ business leaders and make them more visible. You can join the community and attend frequent online and face to face events. 

Responsible Futures educates, engages and inspires leaders from small to large corporations, with Business, Sustainability and CSR roles from all over Europe. 

She Leads for Legacya community of individuals and organisations working together to reduce the barriers faced by Black female professionals aspiring for senior leadership and board level positions. The group holds regular in-person and online events. 

United for Ukraine has been set up by businesses and other partners to support evacuees coming to our region, providing access to employment and support services. For Ukrainian nationals, this initiative provides a searchable list of vacancies from employers who have committed to providing good job opportunities in a supportive environment.